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rusnapshot: Delete a snapshot by ID or the name of the snapshot.
$ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --del --id ${snapshot_id}
try on your machine

This command is a shell command that uses the "rusnapshot" tool with the "sudo" command for running it as a superuser (root).

Here is a breakdown of the command and its options:

  • "sudo": This command is used to run a command as a superuser or another user, in this case, to ensure the necessary permissions for the "rusnapshot" tool.

  • "rusnapshot": This is the main command or tool being executed.

  • "-c ${path-to-config-toml}": This option specifies the path to the "config.toml" file. The value "${path-to-config-toml}" should be replaced with the actual path to the configuration file.

  • "--del": This option instructs "rusnapshot" to delete the specified snapshot. It indicates that the command is intended to remove a snapshot.

  • "--id ${snapshot_id}": This option specifies the snapshot ID to delete. The value "${snapshot_id}" should be replaced with the actual ID of the snapshot to be deleted.

Overall, this command is used to execute the "rusnapshot" tool with sudo privileges, utilizing the specified configuration file and deleting a specific snapshot identified by its ID.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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