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$ curl -sSf | sh -s
try on your machine

This command is used to install the Rust programming language using the Rustup toolchain installer script. Let's break it down:

  • curl: This is a command-line tool used to transfer data using various protocols. Here, it is used to download the installer script from the specified URL.

  • This is the URL of the installer script. It points to the official Rustup installer script.

  • -sSf: These are command-line options provided to curl:

    • -s: It means "silent" and ensures that curl doesn't show any progress or error messages.
    • -S: It shows errors if they occur during the download.
    • -f: It fails silently if the download fails or cannot be completed.
  • |: This is a pipe symbol that redirects the output of the first command (curl) as the input to the second command (sh -s).

  • sh -s: This is another command which is executed after the download completes. It runs the downloaded installer script ( with the -s option.

    • sh: It is a command used to run shell scripts.
    • -s: It is an option for the sh command that runs the script in "stdin" mode, allowing it to receive input via standard input.

Overall, this command downloads the Rustup installer script using curl and then runs the script using the sh command with the -s option to install Rust on the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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