rvm: Use a specific version of Ruby.
$ rvm use ${version}
try on your machine
The command rvm use ${version}
is used to set a specific Ruby version for your current session.
Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:
refers to Ruby Version Manager, which is a tool used to install and manage multiple versions of Ruby on your system.use
is the sub-command that tellsrvm
you want to set a specific Ruby version.${version}
is a placeholder that represents the specific version number you want to use. You would replace${version}
with the desired version number, such as2.7.3
When you execute this command, rvm
will attempt to find and use the specified Ruby version on your system. If the version is installed, it will set it as the default version for your current session. If the version is not installed, rvm
may prompt you to install it before setting it as the default.
After running this command, you can verify that the desired version is being used by running ruby -v
to display the active Ruby version.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.