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sacct: Display job id, job name, partition, account, number of allocated cpus, job state, and job exit codes for recent jobs.
$ sacct
try on your machine

The sacct command is used in Unix-based operating systems, specifically with the Slurm workload manager, to provide information about job accounting data. It stands for "Slurm accounting" or "Slurm job accounting".

When you run the sacct command, it retrieves and displays various details about completed and running jobs on a Slurm cluster. This includes information such as job IDs, usernames, job state (running, completed, failed, etc.), start and end times, resource usage (CPU, memory, etc.), and job dependencies.

Here are some common options used with the sacct command:

  • -a or --all: Displays accounting data for all users, not just the current user.
  • -l or --long: Provides detailed information about each job, including all available job attributes.
  • -j <jobid>: Shows information about a specific job identified by its job ID.
  • -s <state>: Filters the output based on job state. For example, -s running will only display running jobs.
  • -u <user>: Filters the output based on a specific user.

By using these options, administrators and users can access detailed information about job performance, user activity, resource utilization, and other metrics necessary for tracking and analyzing cluster workload.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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