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sails: Start Sails.
$ sails lift
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The command "sails lift" is used in the Sails.js framework to start the development server and lift the application.

When you run "sails lift" in the command line, it executes a series of tasks behind the scenes to initialize and start the Sails.js application. Here's what happens:

  1. The task manager starts and loads the configured tasks.
  2. The core hooks initialize and load the necessary modules and configurations.
  3. The Sails.js app is lifted by creating an instance of the Sails application.
  4. Sails.js begins listening for incoming HTTP requests on the default port (usually 1337).

Once the application is lifted, you can access it by visiting http://localhost:1337 in your web browser (assuming the default port). Any changes you make to the code will trigger the appropriate actions, routes, and responses without needing to restart the server.

This command is very useful during development as it allows you to quickly start and test your Sails.js application without the need to manually restart the server every time you make a change.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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