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salt-call: Perform a highstate with verbose debugging output.
$ salt-call -l debug state.highstate
try on your machine

The command "salt-call -l debug state.highstate" is used with the SaltStack configuration management system to apply the highstate state file to a target system with debugging enabled. Let's break it down:

  • "salt-call": This is the command-line tool used to execute Salt commands on the local machine or remote hosts.
  • "-l debug": This option sets the logging level to "debug," which provides extensive detailed information about Salt's actions and processes.
  • "state.highstate": This is a Salt function that applies the highstate state file to the target system. The highstate is a collection of states that define how the system should be configured. When executed, the "state.highstate" function will compare the current state of the target system against the desired state defined in the highstate file. It will then make any necessary changes to bring the system into the desired state.

By combining "salt-call" with the "-l debug" option and the "state.highstate" function, the provided command will apply the highstate state file to the local system while providing detailed debugging information for troubleshooting purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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