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salt-call: Perform a highstate dry-run, compute all changes but don't actually perform them.
$ salt-call state.highstate test=true
try on your machine

The salt-call command is used to run Salt commands directly on a Salt minion (client). In this specific command, state.highstate is used to apply all available Salt states to the minion.

The test=true option is used to perform a "dry run" or a test run of the high state. When test=true is set, Salt will only simulate the state application and display the changes that would be made, without actually making any changes on the minion.

Overall, this command is used to test the high state execution on a Salt minion without applying any changes. It helps to ensure that the applied states will produce the desired outcome before actually committing the changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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