The command "salt-call grains.items" is used in the SaltStack configuration management system to retrieve information about the grains of a Salt minion.
Grains in SaltStack are variables that provide system-specific information about the minion, such as OS version, IP address, CPU details, and more. The "grains.items" command is used to view all the available grains and their current values on a minion.
When you execute the "salt-call" command, it runs on the target Salt minion itself and allows you to interact with the local system. The "grains.items" argument is passed to the "salt-call" command to specifically retrieve the grains' information on the minion.
By running "salt-call grains.items", you will get a detailed list of all the known grains and their corresponding values, allowing you to gather information about the minion's system properties.
Questions that are answered by this command:
- what are grains in SALT env ? ?