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salt-key: Accept a minion key by name.
$ salt-key -a ${MINION_ID}
try on your machine

The command "salt-key -a ${MINION_ID}" is used in the SaltStack framework to accept a minion's (client's) public key and authorize its connection to the Salt master (server). Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "salt-key" is the SaltStack command used for managing the keys that authenticate minions to the master.
  • "-a" is a flag/option that stands for "accept." It instructs SaltStack to accept the specified minion's key.
  • "${MINION_ID}" is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual ID (unique identifier) of the minion you want to accept.

When a Salt minion initially connects to a Salt master, it generates a pair of cryptographic keys - a public key and a private key. The minion sends its public key over to the master during the initial handshake process. The master can then review and authorize or reject the minion's public key.

By using the "salt-key -a" command followed by the minion ID, you essentially confirm authorization for a specific minion to connect to the Salt master. The minion ID can typically be found in the minion's configuration file or can be determined using SaltStack commands like "salt-key -L" (to list the available minion keys).

Once the minion's key is accepted, the Salt master knows that it can trust any communication from that minion. The minion gains access to execute commands defined by the master and receive configuration updates, allowing it to participate in the SaltStack automation and remote execution framework.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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