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salt-key: List all accepted, unaccepted and rejected minion keys.
$ salt-key -L
try on your machine

The command "salt-key -L" is a command used in the SaltStack framework. Salt is a configuration management and orchestration system that is used to remotely command and control a large number of machines.

The "salt-key" command is used to manage Salt's public key infrastructure. This infrastructure allows secure communication between the Salt master (the controlling machine) and the Salt minions (the controlled machines). The public key infrastructure ensures that only trusted minions can communicate with the master.

The "-L" option is used to list all the keys that are currently accepted by the Salt master. When a new minion is added to the Salt environment, its public key is added to the master's key store. The "salt-key -L" command provides visibility into which minions have successfully established a trusted connection with the master.

The output of the "salt-key -L" command typically includes a list of minions identified by their unique key names. The keys can be in different states, such as "Accepted" meaning the connection is trusted, "Unaccepted" meaning the key is pending acceptance, or "Rejected" meaning the key was intentionally rejected.

Overall, "salt-key -L" is a command used to view and manage the keys that facilitate secure communication between the Salt master and the Salt minions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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