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salt-key: Print fingerprints of all public keys.
$ salt-key -F
try on your machine

The command "salt-key -F" is used in SaltStack, which is an open-source configuration management and remote execution tool. This particular command is used to list all the accepted and unaccepted Salt keys.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "salt-key" is the Salt key management tool used to manage the Salt master's key authentication system.
  • "-F" is an option or argument passed to the "salt-key" command, which stands for "full" or "finger". This option is used to display additional information about the keys.

When you run the "salt-key -F" command, it will list all the Salt keys along with their status, such as accepted or unaccepted. Additionally, it will provide additional information such as the key type, key fingerprint, and expiry date if applicable. This command helps in managing and reviewing the keys to ensure secure and authorized communication between the Salt master and Salt minions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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