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sar: Report CPU utilization, one per 2 seconds.
$ sar -u ALL ${2}
try on your machine

The command "sar -u ALL ${2}" is used to gather and display CPU utilization statistics using the sar command in Linux or Unix systems.

Here is the breakdown of this command:

  • "sar" stands for System Activity Reporter, which is a command-line utility used to collect, report, and analyze system activity information.
  • "-u" is an option or parameter for sar, indicating that we want to collect CPU utilization statistics.
  • "ALL" specifies that we want to collect information for all available processors or cores.
  • "${2}" is a parameter that is typically used to specify a time interval for which the CPU utilization statistics should be collected. This parameter must be provided when executing the command.

By executing this command, the sar utility will collect and display CPU utilization statistics for all available processors or cores for the specified time interval. The exact output may vary based on the system and available data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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