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List of commands for sbatch:

  • sbatch:tldr:21b15 sbatch: Submit a batch job with a custom name.
    $ sbatch --job-name=${myjob} ${path-to-job-sh}
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  • sbatch:tldr:29388 sbatch: Submit a job and request multiple nodes.
    $ sbatch --nodes=${3} ${path-to-job-sh}
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  • sbatch:tldr:4a764 sbatch: Submit a batch job.
    $ sbatch ${path-to-job-sh}
    try on your machine
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  • sbatch:tldr:dd0d0 sbatch: Submit a batch job with a time limit of 30 minutes.
    $ sbatch --time=${00:30:00} ${path-to-job-sh}
    try on your machine
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