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sc-im: Enter a string into the current cell.
$ < or >
try on your machine

The < and > symbols are used as redirection operators in command-line interfaces and scripting languages. They are used to redirect or manipulate input and output streams.

  • The < symbol is used for input redirection. It takes input from a file instead of the usual keyboard input. For example, command < input.txt runs the command with input taken from the "input.txt" file instead of the keyboard.

  • The > symbol is used for output redirection. It redirects or saves the command output to a file instead of printing it on the screen. For example, command > output.txt runs the command and saves the output into the "output.txt" file, overwriting its previous contents.

Additionally, you can append the output to an existing file instead of overwriting it using the >> symbol. For example, command >> output.txt appends the output to the end of the "output.txt" file without deleting its previous contents.

Overall, < and > allow you to manipulate input and output streams in order to automate processes, save command outputs, or use input from files instead of manually typing it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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