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scalafmt: Exclude files or directories.
$ scalafmt --exclude ${filename_or_directory} ${---}
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The command scalafmt is a tool used for formatting Scala code according to specified style rules. It can be run from the command line.

The --exclude option allows you to specify a file or directory that you want to exclude from being formatted. This means that the scalafmt tool will not attempt to format the code in the specified file or directory.

${filename_or_directory} is a placeholder that represents the file or directory that you want to exclude from formatting. You need to replace ${filename_or_directory} with the actual path to the file or directory.

${---} is another placeholder, but its significance is not clear from the given command. It seems to be a mistake or incomplete command. It should be replaced with appropriate options or arguments based on the intended operation.

So, to use this command properly, you need to replace ${filename_or_directory} with the actual file or directory path you want to exclude from formatting. Additionally, you should provide any other necessary options or arguments after ${---} if applicable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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