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scancel: Cancel a job using its ID.
$ scancel ${job_id}
try on your machine

This command is used to cancel a running or pending job in a computing cluster.

The command "scancel" is typically a system command provided by a job scheduler or resource manager on a cluster, such as Slurm or Torque. It enables the user to interact with the scheduler and perform various operations related to job management.

In the command "scancel ${job_id}", ${job_id} is a placeholder for the specific job identifier of the job that you want to cancel. The job identifier uniquely identifies a particular job that is running or in the queue.

By executing the command with the appropriate job identifier, the scancel command sends a request to the job scheduler or resource manager to cancel the specified job. The scheduler then tries to terminate the job as soon as possible, stopping its execution or removing it from the queue if it hasn't started running yet.

Note that the syntax and behavior of the "scancel" command can vary depending on the specific job scheduler or resource manager being used in the cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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