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scanimage: List available scanners to ensure the target device is connected and recognized.
$ scanimage -L
try on your machine

The command "scanimage -L" is used to scan for available scanners on your system. It is a command-line tool provided by the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) project, which is a free software project that allows access to scanners, cameras, and other image-capturing devices.

When you run "scanimage -L" command, it will search for any connected scanners on your computer and list them. If any scanner is found, it will display information about the available scanners, such as the device name (e.g., /dev/scanner), the vendor name, and the model name.

This command is useful when you want to check if your scanner is properly recognized and detected by the system. If you see the scanner information listed after executing this command, it means your scanner is detected, and you can proceed to use other scanning commands or applications to scan documents or images.

Keep in mind that this command requires SANE to be properly installed and configured on your system, as it relies on its backend to communicate with the scanners.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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