List of commands for scheme:
scheme:tldr:41323 scheme: Start a REPL (interactive shell).$ schemetry on your machineexplain this command
scheme:tldr:97ec2 scheme: Run a scheme program (with no REPL output).$ scheme --quiet < ${script-scm}try on your machineexplain this command
scheme:tldr:a3fb0 scheme: Load scheme expressions into the REPL.$ scheme --eval "${(define foo 'x)}"try on your machineexplain this command
scheme:tldr:e9074 scheme: Load a scheme program into the REPL.$ scheme --load ${script-scm}try on your machineexplain this command
scheme:tldr:eaaa8 scheme: Open the REPL in quiet mode.$ scheme --quiettry on your machineexplain this command