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List of commands for schroot:

  • schroot:ai:c1d77 running GUI applications in a chroot environment
    $ schroot -c ${chroot_name} -- ${command}
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  • schroot:tldr:1a0af schroot: List available chroots.
    $ schroot --list
    try on your machine
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  • schroot:tldr:4a2e2 schroot: Run a command in a specific chroot.
    $ schroot --chroot ${chroot} ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • schroot:tldr:a671c schroot: Run a command in all available chroots.
    $ schroot --all ${command}
    try on your machine
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  • schroot:tldr:bc232 schroot: Start an interactive shell within a specific chroot as a specific user.
    $ schroot --chroot ${chroot} --user ${user}
    try on your machine
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