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scoop-bucket: List all known buckets.
$ scoop bucket known
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The command "scoop bucket known" is used in the context of Scoop, a Windows package manager.

In Scoop, a bucket refers to a repository that contains a collection of software packages. Each bucket provides a selection of applications, tools, and utilities that users can install on their system. The "known" parameter in the command refers to a specific action to be performed within the Scoop environment.

When you run the "scoop bucket known" command, Scoop displays a list of all the known buckets in your current Scoop installation. This list includes the official default buckets as well as any additional custom buckets that you may have added.

Knowing the available buckets is useful because it helps you identify and choose the right source for the software packages you want to install. You can then use these buckets to easily search for, install, update, and manage the software applications through Scoop.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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