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scoop-bucket: Add an unknown bucket by its name and Git repository URL.
$ scoop bucket add ${name} ${https:--example-com-repository-git}
try on your machine

This command pertains to a package manager called "Scoop," which is used on Windows operating systems. The purpose of Scoop is to simplify the installation and management of various software packages on Windows.

The command you provided is used to add a new bucket to Scoop. A bucket, in Scoop terminology, is a collection of software packages that can be installed and managed collectively. Each bucket can be hosted on a remote repository, which can be a Git repository, an HTTP server, or other sources.

The command has three parameters:

  1. ${name}: This should be replaced with the name you want to give to the bucket you are adding. It can be any name that suits your preference or the purpose of the bucket.

  2. ${https:--example-com-repository-git}: This parameter represents the URL or location of the remote repository where the bucket's packages are hosted. You need to replace this part with the actual URL of the repository you want to add. It could be an HTTPS link to a Git repository.

Overall, using this command, you can add a new bucket to Scoop by specifying a name for it and providing the URL of the repository where the bucket is located. This will allow you to install and manage the packages included in that bucket through the Scoop package manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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