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scrcpy: Show touches on physical device.
$ scrcpy --show-touches
try on your machine

The command "scrcpy --show-touches" is used to launch the scrcpy application with an additional feature that displays visual touches on the connected Android device's screen.

Scrcpy is an open-source application that enables users to mirror and control Android devices from a computer. It provides a convenient way to view and interact with an Android device's screen directly from the computer, without the need for any additional hardware or rooting.

When using the "--show-touches" flag with the scrcpy command, it enables touch visualization on the screen while interacting with the connected Android device. This means that any touch or swipe gestures that you make on the computer's screen will be visualized as touches on the Android device's screen, allowing you to see where your inputs are being registered.

This feature can be particularly useful for creating tutorials or presentations where you want to demonstrate specific touch interactions on the Android device's screen. By enabling touch visualization, viewers will be able to clearly see which parts of the screen are being tapped, helping them understand the steps involved in a particular task or operation.

Overall, the command "scrcpy --show-touches" enhances the functionality of scrcpy by providing a visual representation of touch events on the connected Android device's screen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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