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screen: Start a new screen session.
$ screen
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The "screen" command is used in Linux and Unix-like operating systems to create a terminal multiplexer. It allows users to create multiple virtual terminals within a single terminal window. Here are some key features and functionalities of the "screen" command:

  1. Terminal Multiplexing: It allows you to create and manage multiple virtual terminals, or "screens," from a single physical terminal window. Each screen functions independently and can run different command-line applications.

  2. Detaching and Reattaching: One of the most useful features of "screen" is the ability to detach from a running session and reattach to it later. This means you can start a process or session within a screen and then disconnect from it without terminating the process. Later, you can reattach to the screen to resume where you left off. This is particularly handy when working on remote machines over SSH, as it allows you to continue running processes even after disconnecting from the server.

  3. Terminal Persistence: Even if your SSH connection is interrupted or your system unexpectedly shuts down, the processes running inside a screen session will continue to run in the background. When you reattach to the screen, you can pick up where you left off without losing any work or progress.

  4. Window Management: Within a screen session, you can create multiple windows, similar to tabs in a web browser. This enables you to switch between different command-line applications or tasks, providing an efficient way to organize your work.

Overall, the "screen" command is a powerful tool for managing terminal sessions, allowing users to multitask, detach, and reattach to running sessions, and maintain persistence even after connection interruptions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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