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screen: Start a new daemon and log the output to `screenlog.x`.
$ screen -dmLS ${session_name} ${command}
try on your machine

The command "screen -dmLS ${session_name} ${command}" is used to create and run a detached screen session with a specific name and command.

Here is a breakdown of the components:

  • "screen": This is the command-line utility for creating and managing multiple virtual terminal sessions.
  • "-dmLS": These are options passed to the "screen" command, which stand for:
    • "d": Detach the screen session after it is created.
    • "m": Avoid displaying the warning message if a screen session with the same name already exists.
    • "L": Turns on output logging to a file for the screen session.
    • "S": Specifies the session name.
  • "${session_name}": This is a placeholder for the name you want to give to the screen session. You should replace it with an actual name enclosed in quotes if desired.
  • "${command}": This is a placeholder for the command you want to run within the screen session. You should replace it with an actual command you want to execute, also enclosed in quotes if needed.

In summary, the command allows you to create a detached screen session with a specific name (${session_name}) and run a command (${command}) within that session. This can be useful for running long-running tasks or keeping a program running even after disconnecting from the terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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