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screenfetch: Strip all color.
$ screenfetch -N
try on your machine

The command "screenfetch -N" is used to display system information and configuration details on the terminal screen.

Specifically, "screenfetch" is a command-line tool that retrieves and displays information about the running operating system. It gathers data about the system, including the distribution, kernel version, CPU information, memory usage, disk space, and other details that may vary depending on the user's setup.

The option "-N" or "--no-ascii" is used to disable the ASCII art logo that is normally displayed along with the system information. The ASCII art logo shows the logo or an image related to the operating system being used. By using the "-N" option, the ASCII art logo is omitted from the output, resulting in a simpler and more concise display of system information.

Overall, using the "screenfetch -N" command will present system information without the ASCII art logo.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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