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screenkey: Drag and select a window on screen to display screenkey.
$ screenkey --position fixed --geometry ${$(slop -n -f '%g')}
try on your machine

The command you provided is a Linux shell command that uses two different programs, slop and screenkey, together.

Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  1. slop -n -f '%g': This part of the command runs the slop program and specifies some options. slop is a tool for selecting an area on the screen and outputting its geometry (width and height). The options -n tells slop not to print the selected rectangle, and -f '%g' specifies the format of the output, it will only print the geometry.

  2. ${$(slop -n -f '%g')}: The $() syntax is used to capture the output of the slop command and substitute it in place. So this part replaces ${$(slop -n -f '%g')} with the output of slop command, which is the width and height of the selected area on the screen.

  3. screenkey --position fixed --geometry ${$(slop -n -f '%g')}: This part of the command runs the screenkey program with options --position fixed and --geometry. screenkey is a tool that displays key presses on the screen, useful for screen recordings or presentations. --position fixed specifies that the key display should be fixed on a certain position, and --geometry specifies the size and position of the key display on the screen.

Overall, this command is used to execute screenkey with a fixed position and size on the screen, using the output of slop to determine the position and size dynamically based on the selected area.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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