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scriptreplay: Replay a typescript at half the original speed.
$ scriptreplay ${path-to-timingfile} ${path-to-typescript} 0.5
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The command you provided is using the "scriptreplay" utility. Here's the breakdown:

  • "scriptreplay" is a command-line tool used to replay the typescript of terminal session recordings.
  • "${path-to-timingfile}" is the placeholder for the path to a timing file. This file contains the time duration values for each line of the typescript file.
  • "${path-to-typescript}" is the placeholder for the path to the typescript file. This file contains the recorded terminal session.
  • "0.5" is an argument that specifies the speed at which the session will be replayed, with 1.0 being the default speed. In this case, it is set to 0.5, meaning the replay will happen at half the default speed.

By executing this command, the "scriptreplay" utility will read the timing file and typescript file specified by their respective paths and replay the session at the designated speed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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