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scrot: Display a countdown of 10 seconds before taking a screenshot.
$ scrot --count --delay ${10}
try on your machine

This command is a part of the scrot utility, which is a screenshot tool for Linux-based systems.

The command "scrot" is the actual executable that starts the scrot utility.

"--count" option instructs scrot to add a numerical suffix to the filename of each captured screenshot. For example, if you run the command multiple times, it will produce files like "screenshot1.png", "screenshot2.png", and so on.

"--delay ${10}" option specifies a delay before capturing the screenshot. The "${10}" part represents a variable denoting a delay of 10 seconds. This means that after executing the command, scrot will wait for 10 seconds before taking the screenshot.

In summary, the command captures a screenshot and adds a numerical suffix to the filename. It also introduces a delay of 10 seconds before capturing the screenshot.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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