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scutil: Get hostname.
$ scutil --get HostName
try on your machine

The command "scutil --get HostName" is a command-line instruction used on macOS (the operating system used by Apple computers) to retrieve the current hostname of a Mac computer.

The "scutil" command invokes the System Configuration Utility, an internal macOS tool used for querying and modifying various system configuration settings.

The "--get" option tells scutil to retrieve information about a specific setting.

And "HostName" is the specific setting we are interested in here, which corresponds to the current hostname assigned to the computer.

By executing this command in the terminal, the user will receive the current hostname of their Mac computer as output. The hostname is a unique name that identifies the computer within a network or system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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