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sd: Trim some whitespace using a regular expression (output stream: `stdout`).
$ ${echo 'lorem ipsum 23 '} | sd '\s+$' ''
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This command is written in shell scripting language and uses the echo command, along with the sd command for text manipulation.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. ${echo 'lorem ipsum 23 '}: This expression is enclosed within ${} which indicates that it is a command substitution. The echo command is used to print the string 'lorem ipsum 23 ' to the standard output.

  2. The output of the echo command is then piped, using the | symbol, as input to the sd command.

  3. sd '\s+$' '': The sd command is used for search and replace operations on strings. In this particular example, the regular expression pattern '\s+$' is used to match one or more whitespace characters at the end of a line (\s represents whitespace and + represents one or more occurrences), and this pattern is replaced with an empty string ''.

To summarize, the command takes the string 'lorem ipsum 23 ', removes any trailing whitespace characters using the sd command, and then prints the resulting string to the standard output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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