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security-checker: Use a specific `composer.lock` file.
$ security-checker security:check ${path-to-composer-lock}
try on your machine

The security-checker command is a command-line tool used to analyze the security vulnerabilities present in the Composer dependencies of a PHP project. It checks for any known CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) database entries matching the used package versions.

The security:check argument specifies the action to perform with the security-checker command, which is to check for security vulnerabilities.

${path-to-composer-lock} is a placeholder variable representing the path to the composer.lock file in your project. This file is generated by Composer and contains a detailed list of all the dependencies and their specific versions used in the project.

By specifying the path to the composer.lock file, this command instructs the security-checker tool to analyze the dependencies defined in that file and check for any known security vulnerabilities in those packages.

Overall, this command is used to ensure that the PHP project's dependencies are free from any known security vulnerabilities by leveraging the security-checker tool provided by the Symfony project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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