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select-string: Search for a pattern within a file.
$ Select-String -Path "${path\to\file}" -Pattern '${search_pattern}'
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The command "Select-String" is used in PowerShell to search for patterns in a given file or set of files. Here's a breakdown of the provided command:

  • "Select-String" is the main cmdlet (command-let) used in PowerShell to search for patterns in text files.
  • "-Path" is a parameter used to specify the path of the file to search in. In this case, it is "${path\to\file}". Make sure to replace "${path\to\file}" with the actual file path you want to search in.
  • "-Pattern" is another parameter used to specify the pattern you want to search for. In this case, it is '${search_pattern}'. Again, replace '${search_pattern}' with the actual pattern you want to search for.

So, when you run this command, PowerShell will search for the specified pattern ('${search_pattern}') within the file at the specified path (${path\to\file}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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