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sensors: Show temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.
$ sensors --fahrenheit
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The command "sensors --fahrenheit" is used to display temperature sensor readings in Fahrenheit instead of the default Celsius.

Sensors is a command-line utility that is typically used to monitor hardware sensors and retrieve information about the system's temperature, voltage, fan speed, etc. By default, when you run the "sensors" command without any options, it will display the temperature readings in Celsius.

However, by adding the "--fahrenheit" option to the command, the temperature readings will be displayed in Fahrenheit instead. This makes it more convenient for users who are more familiar with the Fahrenheit temperature scale or prefer using it over Celsius.

So, the "sensors --fahrenheit" command simply changes the output temperature scale from Celsius to Fahrenheit when displaying the sensor readings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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