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set-date: Set the system clock back 10 minutes.
$ Set-Date -Adjust -0:10:0 -DisplayHint Time
try on your machine

This command is used in PowerShell to adjust the system date and time by subtracting 10 minutes. Here's the breakdown of each part:

  • Set-Date is the cmdlet that allows you to modify the system date and time.
  • -Adjust is a parameter that indicates you want to make an adjustment to the current date and time.
  • -0:10:0 is the argument for the -Adjust parameter. It represents the time adjustment you want to make in the format of hours:minutes:seconds. In this case, it indicates a 10-minute subtraction from the current time.
  • -DisplayHint Time is an optional parameter that specifies the display format of the modified date and time. In this command, it is set to "Time", which means the output will only display the updated time, not the date.

In summary, when you execute this command, it will deduct 10 minutes from the current system time and display the updated time only.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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