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set-date: Add 90 minutes to the system clock.
$ $90mins = New-TimeSpan -Minutes ${90}; Set-Date -Adjust $90mins
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This command is written in PowerShell and it performs two actions: creating a new time span and adjusting the system date.

  1. 90mins = New-TimeSpan -Minutes ${90}: This line creates a new time span object called 90mins. The New-TimeSpan cmdlet is used to create a time span object, which represents a duration or interval of time. In this case, the time span is specified in minutes by using the -Minutes parameter with a value of 90.

  2. Set-Date -Adjust $90mins: This line adjusts the system date by using the Set-Date cmdlet with the -Adjust parameter. The value passed to the -Adjust parameter is $90mins, which is the time span object created in the previous line. This means the system date will be adjusted by adding or subtracting the specified number of minutes (in this case, 90 minutes).

Overall, this command will create a time span object representing 90 minutes, and then adjust the system date by adding or subtracting that duration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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