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set-service: Change the startup type of services.
$ Set-Service -Name ${service_name} -StartupType ${Automatic}
try on your machine

This command is a PowerShell command used to modify the startup type of a Windows service specified by the $service_name variable. The startup type can be changed to ${Automatic}, which means the service will start automatically every time the system boots up.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • Set-Service: This is a PowerShell cmdlet that allows you to modify the configuration of a Windows service.
  • -Name ${service_name}: This parameter specifies the name of the service that you want to modify. The variable ${service_name} should hold the actual name of the service you want to change.
  • -StartupType ${Automatic}: This parameter specifies the new startup type for the service. ${Automatic} is a variable representing the "Automatic" startup type, which means the service will start automatically when the system boots up. Other possible values could be "Manual" or "Disabled".

So, when you run the command with the appropriate values assigned to the variables, it will set the startup type of the specified service to automatic, ensuring the service starts automatically with the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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