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set: Set the shell to exit as soon as the first error is encountered (mostly used in scripts).
$ set -e
try on your machine

The command "set -e" is used in scripting languages like Shell or Bash and stands for "set -exit-on-error."

When you enable this setting, it instructs the shell to exit immediately if any command in the script exits with a non-zero status code, indicating an error or failure. By default, scripts continue executing even if some commands fail, but with "set -e," the script will stop execution as soon as any error occurs.

This helps to ensure that the script immediately terminates if any critical command fails, preventing further processing and potential issues caused by incorrect or incomplete results from a failed command. It also saves time, as the script doesn't need to continue running when an important step fails.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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