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setcap: Set capability `cap_net_raw` (to use RAW and PACKET sockets) for a given file.
$ setcap '${cap_net_raw}' ${filename}
try on your machine

The command 'setcap' is used to set the capabilities of a specific file in Linux. The capabilities mechanism in Linux allows finer-grained privilege control than traditional Unix permissions. By assigning specific capabilities to a file, it can have elevated permissions without needing to run with full root privileges.

In the given command:

  • '${cap_net_raw}' represents a placeholder for a specific capability called 'cap_net_raw'. This capability allows a process to perform raw socket operations, essentially providing the ability to send and receive packets at the network level. It is typically required by network-related applications.
  • ${filename} also represents a placeholder for the name of the file to which the capability will be assigned.

So, the command sets the 'cap_net_raw' capability to the specified file (represented by ${filename}). This means that when this file is executed, it will have the privilege to perform raw socket operations as if it had the 'cap_net_raw' capability.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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