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List of commands for setfacl:

  • setfacl:tldr:089f5 setfacl: Remove all ACL entries of a file.
    $ setfacl -b ${file}
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  • setfacl:tldr:1c2f6 setfacl: Modify ACL of a file for user with read and write access.
    $ setfacl -m u:${username}:rw ${file}
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  • setfacl:tldr:79c00 setfacl: Remove ACL of a file for a user.
    $ setfacl -x u:${username} ${file}
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  • setfacl:tldr:ae9e3 setfacl: Modify default ACL of a file for all users.
    $ setfacl -d -m u::rw ${file}
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