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sfdp: Render a `svg` image with the specified output filename (lowercase -o).
$ sfdp -T ${svg} -o ${path-to-image-svg} ${path-to-input-gv}
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This command executes the sfdp utility with the following options:

  • The -T option specifies the output format to be generated, in this case, an SVG file.
  • ${svg} is a variable representing the desired output file name and extension.
  • The -o option specifies the output file path for the generated SVG file.
  • ${path-to-image-svg} is a variable indicating the location and name of the SVG file to be generated.
  • ${path-to-input-gv} is a variable representing the location and name of the input graph file (Graphviz format) that will be processed.

In summary, this command uses sfdp to convert a Graphviz file (${path-to-input-gv}) into an SVG image, saving it as ${path-to-image-svg}. The command assumes that the desired output filename and extension is represented by ${svg}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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