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sh: Execute a command and then exit.
$ sh -c "${command}"
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The command "sh -c "${command}"" is used to execute a shell command within a subshell. Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • sh: It refers to the shell program, in this case, the POSIX-compliant shell.
  • -c: It is an option for the shell command that instructs it to read and execute the command which follows.
  • "${command}": It is a variable that holds the command or commands to be executed.

By enclosing the command within quotes and using the "${command}" syntax, it allows for the expansion of the variable before the shell executes the command. This is useful when the command contains spaces or other special characters that the shell might interpret differently.

For example, if the variable command is set to ls -l, the command "sh -c "${command}"" would execute the ls -l command within a subshell, listing the files and directories in long format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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