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sh: Read and execute commands from `stdin`.
$ sh -s
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The command "sh -s" starts a new instance of the Unix shell, usually the Bourne shell (sh), with the "-s" option.

Here is what each part of the command means:

  • sh: It is the name of the Unix shell, which is commonly the Bourne shell. The shell is a program that interprets commands and executes them.

  • -s: This is an option for the shell. Here, the "-s" option is used to read commands from the standard input instead of from a file or interactive terminal. It is often used when you want to provide a script or a series of commands directly to the shell without using a script file.

So, when you run the "sh -s" command, it starts a new shell session, and it will expect to read commands from the standard input. You can then type commands followed by pressing enter, and they will be executed by the shell.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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