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shards: Update all dependencies.
$ shards update
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The command "shards update" is used in the context of updating the dependencies defined in the "shard.yml" file of a Crystal project.

When you initialize a Crystal project using the "shards" package manager, it generates a "shard.yml" file to specify the dependencies of your project. This file includes the name of the dependency, version constraint, and other details.

The "shards update" command is used to update the locked version of the dependencies according to the version constraints specified in the "shard.yml" file. It checks for any updates available from the remote repository and fetches the latest compatible versions of the dependencies.

This command is typically used when you want to ensure that your project is using the latest versions of the dependencies with the defined version constraints, instead of the previously locked versions.

It's important to note that updating dependencies might introduce breaking changes or compatibility issues, so it is recommended to test your code after updating the dependencies to ensure everything works as expected.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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