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Chain commands together by forwarding output as input to the next command (pipe)
$ ${command_1} | ${command_2}
try on your machine

The command "${command_1} | ${command_2}" is a shell command that is used to execute two commands sequentially with the output of the first command being passed as input to the second command.

Here's how it works:

  1. The command "${command_1}" is executed, and its output (stdout) is piped (|) to "${command_2}" as input.
  2. The output of "${command_1}" is not displayed on the terminal, but it is redirected to "${command_2}".
  3. "${command_2}" then processes the input received from "${command_1}" and produces its own output (stdout), which is displayed on the terminal.

This piping mechanism allows you to chain multiple commands together, passing data between them, and creating more complex and powerful command sequences. It is a fundamental concept in Unix-like systems, allowing for efficient and modular command line operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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