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Check if two strings are not equal to each other
$ [[ ${string_1} != ${string_2} ]]
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This command is written in Bash, a popular Unix shell.

The command is used to compare two strings, string_1 and string_2, using the != operator.

Here's a breakdown of what each component does:

  • [[ and ]]: These are shell keywords used for conditional constructs. They provide a more flexible and powerful alternative to the single brackets [ and ] used in traditional shell scripting.

  • ${string_1} and ${string_2}: These are variables holding the strings to be compared. The ${} syntax is used to access the value of a variable.

  • !=: This is a comparison operator that checks if two values are not equal. In this case, it compares the values of string_1 and string_2 to determine if they are different.

So, in simple terms, this command checks if the value of string_1 is not equal to the value of string_2. If they are indeed different, the result of the comparison would be true, and any subsequent code or conditionals depending on this check can be executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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