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show-markdown: Render markdown to console from string.
$ ${"# Markdown content"} | Show-Markdown
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This command is a pipeline command that uses the pipe symbol "|" to send the output from the expression ${"# Markdown content"} as input to the command Show-Markdown.

${"# Markdown content"} is an example of a placeholder value. In actual usage, it could be replaced with any markdown content, such as a markdown file or some markdown-formatted text.

The command Show-Markdown is a hypothetical command that would interpret the input as markdown content and display it in a formatted manner, typically as HTML or in a markdown viewer. This command could be part of a markdown rendering tool or an integrated development environment (IDE), for example.

In summary, this command takes the input markdown content ${"# Markdown content"} and passes it to the Show-Markdown command to render and display it in a readable format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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