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sinfo: Show a quick summary overview of the cluster.
$ sinfo --summarize
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The command "sinfo --summarize" is used to display a summary of the current state of the Slurm job scheduler system.

Slurm is a job scheduler and resource manager commonly used in high-performance computing (HPC) environments. It allows users to submit and manage jobs on a cluster of computing nodes.

When you run the "sinfo --summarize" command, it queries the Slurm system and provides a condensed summary of information about the available nodes, their status, workload, and other relevant details. It essentially gives you an overview of the cluster's current state in a readable format.

The output of the command usually includes information such as the number of nodes in the cluster, their state (e.g., idle, allocated, down), the number of running jobs, and the available CPU and memory resources. This summary helps administrators and users get a quick understanding of the cluster's overall availability and workload distribution, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding job submission and resource allocation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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