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sinfo: View information about idle nodes.
$ sinfo --states ${idle}
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The command "sinfo --states ${idle}" is used to display the information about the idle nodes in a computing cluster using the Slurm workload manager.


  • "sinfo" is a command-line utility used to display information about the status of nodes in a Slurm-managed cluster.

  • "--states" is an option that specifies the states or conditions of the nodes that you want to display information about. In this case, it is set to "${idle}", which is a placeholder variable that likely holds the value "idle". The variable is used to indicate that we want to display information about nodes in the "idle" state.

The "idle" state refers to nodes that are available and waiting for jobs to run on them. These nodes are not currently executing any jobs and are ready to accept new work.

So, when you run the command "sinfo --states ${idle}", it will display information about the nodes that are currently in the "idle" state, providing details such as the node names, their availability, the number of CPUs, memory, and other relevant information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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