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sinfo: View the detailed status of all partitions across the entire cluster.
$ sinfo
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The command "sinfo" is a command-line tool typically used in high-performance computing (HPC) environments. It is mainly used to display information about the available nodes and their current status within an HPC cluster.

When the "sinfo" command is executed, it queries the Slurm workload manager (commonly used in HPC clusters) to obtain the information about the HPC cluster. The output of the command usually includes details such as node names, state, and partition information.

Here's an example output of the "sinfo" command:

partition1   up   1-00:00:00      2  down* node1,node2
partition2   up   1-00:00:00      4  idle  node3,node4,node5,node6
partition3   up   1-00:00:00      8   mix  node7,node8,node9,node10,node11,node12,node13,node14

In the sample output above, the "sinfo" command provides information about three partitions (partition1, partition2, partition3) in the HPC cluster. It shows the availability, time limit for job execution, number of nodes in each partition, and the state of the nodes.

The "STATE" column represents the current state of the nodes. Common states include:

  • "down" or "down*": The node is not available or experiencing issues.
  • "idle": The node is available and idle for job allocation.
  • "mix": The node has a mix of running and idle jobs.
  • "allocated": The node is currently allocated to a job and running it.
  • Other possible states include "drain", "maint", "resv", etc., depending on the cluster configuration.

The "NODELIST" column displays the names of the nodes associated with each partition.

Overall, the "sinfo" command helps users and system administrators to get an overview of the HPC cluster's resources and their availability so that jobs can be efficiently managed and scheduled within the cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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