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sinfo: Summarise dead nodes.
$ sinfo --dead
try on your machine

The command "sinfo --dead" is used to display information about dead (unresponsive or unavailable) nodes in the Slurm job scheduler system.

Slurm is a workload manager and job scheduler for Linux and Unix-like systems. It divides the computing resources into partitions and allocates them to users for running their jobs. "sinfo" is a Slurm command-line tool that provides information about the status and availability of nodes in the system.

The "--dead" option is used to filter the output and show only the dead nodes. Dead nodes are those that are not responding or are currently unavailable for running jobs. This could be due to hardware or software issues, maintenance, or any other reason that makes the nodes temporarily or permanently offline.

When you run the "sinfo --dead" command, you will see a list of nodes that are currently dead, including their names, node states, and other relevant information. This helps administrators and users to be aware of the unresponsive or unavailable nodes and adjust their job submissions or troubleshooting accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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